Empire West Insurance Site-Specific Pollution Insurance Assuming that your business has an ecological obligation introduction, or provided that you simply aren’t certain, contact us now and we will explain the entire process. We’ve writen numerous policies for Pollution Liability Insurance. Empire West Insurance will help you recognize and quantify the components that ought to be available in an ecological protection result, for example:
Consolidated General Liability & Environmental Impairment Liability
Site-particular Environmental risk
Foreman’s Pollution risk
Advisor’s Professional (E&o) Liability
Consolidated General Liability, Contractor’s Pollution & Environmental Consultant’s Professional Liability
Space tank risk
Empire West Insurance has a suite of products which gives you the access to unmatched expertise on the spectrum of issues involved in managing environmental risks, from responsive claims assistance, engineering and construction, to terrorism, crisis management and incident response. Ingrained underwriting and claims collaboration facilitates cost-effective resolution to policyholder losses and is central to the overriding mission of Ironshore: delivering on promises to policyholders.