Worker’s compensation for contractors can be quite complicated. Often times we find that the classifications are incorrect for employees who conduct work beyond the most basic classification.
There are several different classifications that most contractors don’t realize they can use to receive a better rate on their insurance. This can be a problem for demolition contractors, grading and other construction employees who work in more than one trade.
With our extensive experience and thorough understanding of the demolition industry and worker’s compensation rating systems, we can often reduce insurance premiums for our clients by hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Let us evaluate your policy for FREE!
Refunds from Past Mis-Classifications
We have been very successful in lowering overall worker’s compensation insurance costs by ferreting out the most competitive classifications that apply to individual contractors. At the same time, we have served our clients by going back to prior insurance policies and getting substantial refunds by correctly presenting the exposure for worker’s compensation to the insurance carrier.
In many cases these refunds can represent tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in return of premiums.
Excellent Alternatives for Demolition Contractors
In the past, the majority of demolition contractors have had their worker’s compensation insurance placed in a State Fund. There are a number of additional insurance companies that provide a very competitive policy (up to 25% savings) while at the same time provide superior claims service and worker’s compensation insurance handling.
Empire West Insurance works with over 15 different worker’s compensation insurance policy providers that cover construction operations. This allows us to seek the most competitive individual rate for your classifications. Our self rater program can compare your current classifications and rate to the competitive rates that we can provide.
Get More Competitive Coverage Today
Empire West Insurance can help you locate the most competitive coverage for demolition contractors and construction liability insurance. Call us today for a FREE policy review or to get the most competitive rate on a new policy.
Additional Insurance Policies
- Worker’s Compensation Insurance
- Contractors General Liability Insurance
- Environmental Contractors Insurance
- Contractors General Liability Insurance
- Construction Liability Insurance
- Contractors Liability Insurance
- Roofing Contractors Insurance
- General Contractors Insurance
- Artisans Insurance
- Pollution Insurance
- Mold Liability Insurance
- California Asbestos Abatement Insurance
- California Lead Paint Liability Insurance
Empire West Insurance can help you in these areas and more that are specific to demolition contractors and construction liability insurance.